other archives (by month):


the four days

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peanut butter hat

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an open invitation

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november is

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productivity would improve

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ewww so gross

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de classified government

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toasted coconut fake donuts

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never watching commercials

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perfect teeth

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your tepid attempts

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a firm handshake

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i can sing

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plastic binding

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no it's not cute

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billiards champion

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your aura

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a perfect excuse

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easter is cancelled

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no shirt no shoes

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testing bolt cutters

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not a step

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corporate logo

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why i quit

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the fire extinguisher

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for president

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lobster i am

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who wants donuts

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world trade center game

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tape dispenser

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companies they like

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human resources

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peanut butter art

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when it does not rain

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fluorescent lights

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i flicked my wrist

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sunday morning

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quadruple carpal tunnel

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children ball

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the last time i ever played

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i love documentation

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what do you want

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b b b beep

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safety goggles

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pooping at work

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dang it

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stop talking about

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great oldies

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back to drinking

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rocky mountains

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obsessive compulsive order

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safety scissors

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for human consumption

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improved flavor

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we hate classic rock

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not to be used

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OUR OTHER SITES: Super Black: Glitter & Holographic Nail Polish / Super Black Nail Art / Drew's posters and flasks
OUR FRIENDS: Aggro Gator: Over 100 pictures a day. Comment anonymously. / Is Your Girlfriend A Horse?